

The path of inner harmony:- Rejuvenate Body, Mind and Soul.

Certified Yoga Instructor

Online or in the comfort of your home or office, designed around your goals.


Where does Yoga come from?

SHIVA is not only known as a god, but as the Adiyogi or the first yogi – the originator of yoga. He was the one who expounded 112 ways through which human beings can transcend their limitations and reach their ultimate potential. Adiyogi’s offerings are tools for individual transformation, as individual transformation is the only way to transform the world. His fundamental message is that “in is the only way out” for human wellbeing and liberation because he was the source of Yoga.

When Was Yoga Invented?

Over 15,000 years ago Adiyogi, the first Yogi, transmitted the science of Yoga to his seven disciples, the Saptarishis. Yoga predates all religions such as HinduismBuddhism, Sikhism and Jainism. This is way before ancient scriptures such as Vedas and Upanishads were written. In fact, even the Sanskrit language had not been invented yet.

Why You Should Invest in our online & offline Private Yoga Class

In a private yoga class, you have the ability to focus on your exact personal goals. A 1-to-1 ratio allows the teacher to plan a lesson to your personal needs, whether that’s tailoring to a specific area of the body, or working towards a series of poses that you find particularly challenging. It’s up to you to decide what you would like to dive into in your private sessions in order to get the most out of them.


In a private yoga class, you have the ability to focus on your exact personal goals. A 1-to-1 ratio allows the teacher to plan a lesson to your personal needs, whether that’s tailoring to a specific area of the body, or working towards a series of poses that you find particularly challenging. It’s up to you to decide what you would like to dive into in your private sessions in order to get the most out of them.


Unfortunately in a public yoga class, there really isn’t much of an opportunity to ask questions, especially while the class is in session! Often a teacher will stay behind after class, but it can be tricky with time and other students around to really dive into your yogic ponderings in depth. No matter where you are in your practice, yoga raises lots of questions. One of the best things about a private class is you can ask as many questions as you like.


Yoga is designed to help us switch off the mind. Yet do you find yourself in class creating mental shopping lists in your forward bend, or wondering where your neighbour got their yoga pants from? Don’t worry, mental chatter is common and it can be hard to switch off in a public class surrounded by other people. This distraction can essentially take away from the benefits and enjoyment of the practice.

Alignment, Modification & Props

While yoga is designed to be a stress-relieving activity, there can sometimes be a LOT to think about! Especially when you are new to the practice. Take a relatively straightforward pose like triangle pose for example. Is your alignment correct? Would you benefit from a block? Could you take a deeper modification? If so, should you use a strap? In a public class, the teacher is there to guide and offer suggestions. However, depending on the size of the class and skill of the teacher, there is usually minimal personal attention. 

Personal Adjustments

Hands on personal adjustments or assists are one of the most glorious parts of a yoga class. However, in a large class, you are likely to get one hands-on assist if you are lucky! Furthermore, these days, teachers and studios can be apprehensive about hands on adjustments, and so they avoid them altogether. Physical adjustments by a qualified and experienced teacher can really transform a pose. It isn’t like offering an alignment cue or modification suggestion, these hands on adjustments help you to move into a pose far more deeply that you can on your own, and therefore, experience the real benefits of a pose.

Working With an Injury

These days there are lots of options for people who are coming to yoga with a certain ailment, however, in these circumstances in particular, nothing beats working with a teacher one on one. Maybe you are looking for a way to yoga to assist you with migraines, or trying to prevent neck issues from being on a computer all day. Maybe you are recovering from an injury or illness and yoga is part of your recovery program.

Your Time, Your Space!

One of the greatest challenges of getting to yoga can often be working around studio schedules. The benefit of a private class is that you can choose the days and times that work best for you. Often, private classes can also be held in the comfort of your own home, or a suitable place of your choosing. This also helps you to feel far more comfortable than you may feel in a studio space. Setting up a weekly schedule that works for you is a wonderful way for your practice to stay consistent and for you to gain results.

Lifetime Lessons

A private yoga class, or a series of private classes will offer you tools and wisdom that you can utilise for life. Yoga is a lifelong journey- there is no finish line. There is always room to grow and evolve in new ways. Yoga can help in body, mind and spirit, and therefore, really learning how yoga works and how yoga works for you is such a beneficial endeavour. You could quite easily attend public studio classes for a decade and not really get the benefits that you can gain from a series of private sessions.

3 Week Yoga Workout

Work your body from top to toe with 3 weeks of fun, dynamic yoga and movement classes, designed to boost your energy, strength and fitness.


What is yoga?
Yoga is derived from Sanskrit word ‘ Yuj ’ in verb form, which means to unite or to join. Yog is noun form and means union. It is concerned with individual soul with the absolute or Divine soul. It is science of development of an individual’s consciousness. Yoga is unification of Aatma with Parmaatma. It also means the unifications of Physical , Mental , intellectual and spiritual aspects of human being.
What is Outcome of Yoga ?

Boost immunity levels and improve the general state of well being .

 Believing we are all full of intrinsic happiness and aiming tov help students soften their heart and experience grace through their physical practice.

  Combines physical improvement with spiritual up-liftmentv and aims to even out imbalances within the body and mind.

  Helps to lower stress levels and increases the body’sv relaxation levels. It eliminates negativity from the mind and increases self awareness.

When is the best time to do yoga?

 The morning is a great time to practice; you might wake up stiff, so opening up your body with some energizing yoga sets you up for the day. In the evening, a more relaxing yoga practice can be a nice way to unwind after work. Some of us are early birds while others are night owls, so experiment with finding your own yoga rhythm and what works for your schedule.

Are yoga classes safe?
Yes. Yoga classes are generally safe. However, attend one or two trial sessions before making the decision. It is appropriate to ask the teacher if he or she a certified teacher.
Can I eat before yoga?
It’s better to have a more or less empty stomach during a yoga session, so leave at least two hours between a main meal and yoga. Digestion of food requires energy and when you do yoga straight after a meal, your energy goes to the muscles you’re exercising and the body can’t digest the food properly. If you are starving and want to practice yoga but need some nourishment it’s fine to eat a banana or have a little juice to sustain you through the practice. Just no bean burritos before hitting the mat. After you practice wait 30 min for your body to reaclitmate and then eat. This way your body won’t go into food shock .
Can I do yoga while I am pregnant?

If you are pregnant, check with your doctor or health professional before starting yoga.

Will Yoga help with back pain?
Yoga can be especially effective at alleviating lower back pain. By holding various poses, specific muscle groups throughout the back become stronger.
Can Yoga help reduce stress?
Yoga can help reduce stress because it promotes relaxation, which is the natural opposite of stress. Yoga can benefit three aspects of ourselves that are often affected by stress: our body, mind, and breathing.
How many months should I do yoga to lose weight?

The duration of practising yoga for losing weight depends on various factors like your current weight, fitness level, and diet. However, if you practise yoga for at least 3-4 months consistently, you will start seeing results. You can gradually increase the duration and intensity of your practice as you progres

Will Yoga help with building muscle, strength, and flexibility?

Yes, yoga is a great way to improve flexibility. The poses and stretches in yoga target various muscle groups, helping to lengthen and strengthen them over time. Regular practice can lead to increased range of motion, improved posture, and decreased muscle stiffness. Additionally, yoga also focuses on proper alignment and body awareness, which can contribute to improved flexibility and mobility.

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